Tuesday, November 18

Finish this sentence...

This afternoon in the PEPY office we did a team-building exercise which I enjoyed and thought I would share. The exercise required the individual to finish the following sentences (in bold)--my answers are in italics.

1. I stand for creating opportunities and lifelong education.
2. I define quality of life as balance between give and take, and enjoying the people and earth around me.
3. My life changed when I joined the Peace Corps, cliché as that may be.
4. I recognize my weaknesses as being stubborn and judgemental, not being proactive enough, not digging deep enough, and allowing my adventurous lifestyle to make me complacent and selfish.
5. A harmonious and meaningful relationship requires listening, respect, compromise, and honesty.
6. My life will be complete if and when I die. I realize this one sounds obvious, but I hope I never feel like I have done all I want and experienced all that life has to give.

I would enjoy hearing how my readers might finish these same sentences...feel free to comment!


Unknown said...

oooh, this is tough...

1. I stand for truth, justice, and the Amer....I'm gonna stick with truth and justice for now.
2. I define quality of life as food, shelter, and a steady bang.
3. My life changed when I lived outside the States.
4. I recognize my weaknesses as being short and skinny, quick to silently judge, dismissive, and abrasive.
5. A harmonious and meaningful relationship requires trust, truthful exchange of ideas.
6. My life will be complete if and when I decide to have kids, cuz after that it's over.

akatsuki said...

Oh Matt, your writing style hasn't changed a bit (keep it that way, I'm silently giggling to myself).


(Michael, I'll give this exercise a go)